Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Begin to Hope" by Regina Spektor

Listening to: Regina Spektor "Begin to Hope" (released 2006)
Album length / Painting time: 47:15
Familiarity with the album: Familiar with all of the songs, but not in album form.
Recommended by: Me. I was just too curious about the result...
Painting size: 20X26"
Price: $200
Side note: I can NOT listen to "Samson" or "Summer in the City" without crying. It isn't possible. In fact, I haven't been listening to Regina much since I realized what she does to me. There are (literally) tears in this painting.

1 comment:

YellowElephants said...

I love this. And Regina. And you. I really like the bright yellow yokey happiness hiding inside the other streaks of neutrals. I feel that captures this album very well, the way Regina has this incredibly happy bright whimsy to a lot of her pieces that is then lightly covered by a kind of youthful and dark sadness. Super awesome job!

(also, i saw her live at the Chicago Theatre and bawled when she sang Samson. I feel ya.)