Listening to: Ladytron "Velocifero" (released 2008)
Album length / Painting time: 54:29
Album length / Painting time: 54:29
Familiarity with the album: I had listened to it once, 5 days earlier.
Recommended by: Megan
Painting size: 24X30"
Price: sold
Recommended by: Megan
Painting size: 24X30"
Price: sold
This was my first commission! I was so excited to be asked to paint this album! It's a Christmas present for a friend's friend though, so sssshhhhhh. Don't say you saw it.
Also, this is on canvas and is a bit larger than the other pieces, and I am extremely pleased with it. I think that it both captures the way I visualize this album and also stands alone as a piece of art that someone will (hopefully... fingers crossed) want to hang on his wall.
Okay folks, I am open for business. Would you like me to paint "Dark Side of The Moon" for your uncle? Just ask! As always, I can be contacted at .
Happy holidays!
"Every thing can't be all BASS heavy like your dang hippity-hoppity music."
Things got a little heated. My conclusion? People are really passionate about the music they love. So am I! Though I have never felt "right" for liking something, while someone else was "wrong" for being unmoved by it. I LOVE Tom Waits. I think he is brilliant, but I know a lot of people who will take a BIG PASS on Tom. He doesn't do it for everyone. Sgt. Pepper doesn't even do it for everyone! Pet Sounds will probably be a North Star for fans and musicians for ages, but others will simply live and die for... whatever they want. Vampire Weekend. And fair enough.